Kraks Vejviser 1930 Handelsregister

The subjoined figures show the traffic on the largest ports in the year 1928: 216

Goods discharged and loaded, tons 5.494.000 2.033.000 1.328.000

Arrivals .. 19.867

Copenhagen ....................... Aalborg—Nørresundby . . . .. 6.251 A arhus.............................. .. 4.763 Esbjerg.............................. .. 1.018 Odense .............................. .. 2.690 Nyborg.............................. 733 Fredericia....... .................. .. 1.500 K jøge ................................ .. 1.620 Randers.............................. .. 1.032 Horsens.............................. .. 1.563 Nakskov............................ .. 2.468

708.000 676.000 468.000 342.000 299.000 297.000 274.000

274.000 Korsør................................ .. 1.641 - 262.000 Kolding.............................. .. 2.024 259.000 Svendborg ........................ . . 7.018 257.000 Hobro—Mariager............. .. 1.375 255.000 Vejle.................................. , . 1.391 254.000 Nykjøbing F....................... .. 1.360 202.000

Shipping. The Danish national song „King Christian14 declares the sea to be the Danes’ way to praise and power, and from the beginning of recorded history Danish chieftains and tra- ders crossed the seas to the West, South and North, returning home with booty and mer- chandise. In the period of Absolutism commerce and shipping were carried on in conjunc- tion with the large oversea monopoly companies and merchant houses, but during the last century the shipping activities have, mainly for economical and technical reasons, gradually become a separate trade largely carried on by joint stock companies. At present there are 106 steamship companies in Denmark, with an aggregate Capital of 182 million Kroner, and 83 sailing vessel companies with a total Capital of 9.5 million Kroner. The figures below show the development which has taken place: The net registered tonnage (British rule) of the Danish Coinmercial Ileet:

Aggregate carrying capacity reduced to sailing vessel tonnage

Sailing vessels with auxiliary motors


Motor vessels

Sallings vessels

— —

— — — — —


Year: 1800 63.000 - 1825 51 -000 - 1850 90-000 - 1875 205.000 - 1900 147.000 - 1928 24.000

— 51.000 — 102.000 — 345.000 — 1.036.000

3.000 39.000 247.000 428.000

178.000 2.297.000 The characteristic feature of the development during the last 50 years has been the gradual supersedure of the sailing vessel by the steamship, and to this comes now in the course of the last 17 years the rapid growth of the motor driven fleet, which has been fa- voured by the leading position occupied by Danish industry in the field of marine motor en- gines. During the great war the Danish commercial fleet suffered heavy losses, but these have long ago been made good, and the tonnage of the fleet at present is more than 25°/0greater than it was in 1914. The Danish shipowning concerns have at their disposal a fleet of good modern vessels one third of which have been built during the last five years. The Danish coastwise traffic in which some 2,2 mili. tons cargo are carried annually, is maintained with only very few exceptions by Danish vessels, half the cargo being conveyed in sailing vessels and the other half in steamships and motorships. In the maritime traffic between Denmark and foreign countries some 10.6 mili. tons of cargo was brought into Danish ports and about 2.1 mili. tons were shipped from Danish ports in the year 1927. The apparent disproportion between the forenamed figures is due to the circumstan- ces mentioned in the introduction to this Export Directory, namely that Denmark imports raw materials and auxiliaries, and exports meliorated goods which latter in proportion to their 32.000

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