
58 F isken for 3 sh pr. stone b ru tto , frad rag e r sin Komm ission og sine Udlæg, ialt 55 £ 15 sh, og sender Restbeløbet til A. Hvor stor Fo rtjeneste h a r A paa Sendingen til London? Salget af F isken i Kiel indb ringe r 5544 Mk, og A’s dervæ rende Komm issionæ r frad rag e r og- saa sin Komm ission og sine Udlæg bl. a. til F rag t, i alt med 1294 Mk; Restbeløbet faa r A. Ved hvilket a f de to Salg h a r Fo rtjen esten pr. Kasse væ ret størst? 1 stone = 6Yi kg; 1 £ = 20 sh= 240 d = 18,12 Kr.; 100 Mk. = 89,10 Kr. 2. 1. F e b ru a r 1906 havde Aalborg 31510 Indb yg ­ gere og 1. F e b ru a r 1916 38100. Hvor m ange Indbyggere havde Aalborg 1. F e b ru a r 1921, n a a r Byens aarlige T ilvæk stprocen t antages at have væ ret u fo ran d re t? I hv ilket K alend eraar skulde under samme F o rud sæ tn ing Aalborgs Indbyggertal være naae t 50000? Engelsk Version. When Rembrandt was a Little Boy. In one of th e museum s of H o lland there m ay be seen a pa ir of wooden shoes w ith funny little p ic­ tures of ducks, chickens, an d pigs drawn on them . These pictures were d raw n by R em brand t, the great artist, when he was a little boy and was living at Leyden, where his fa th e r was a miller. L ittle R em b rand t was no t interested in his school- work and only longed to become an a rtist and to travel. One day he was very inattentive at school and was discovered draw ing chickens, ducks and pigs on his cousin W ilh elm ina’s wooden shoes. She was delighted w ith them , bu t the teacher was very ang ry w ith R em b rand t, and sent a note about it to his uncle, whom he knew privately. The next m o rn ing the boy was standing in the street, w atching the people th a t were going to m a r­ ket, and dream ing of th e tim e when he should see the great world. Suddenly he noticed his uncle coming tow ards the house, and at once his dream ing tu rn ed to fear. He though t of the wooden shoes. W hen his uncle asked to talk to R em b rand t’s m other

alone, the little boy felt th a t trouble was com ing. Soon after he saw his m o ther and uncle go up into the mill, where his fa th er was. Gladly would Rem ­ b ra n d t have ru n away, bu t now his fa th e r was cal­ ling him , and he h ad to obey. There stood his uncle w ith one of the shoes in his hand , and all eyes were tu rn ed on Rem brand t. He expected his m o ther to scold him , bu t in stead of th at she said to him in a k ind voice: ’’W ould you like to he a p a in te r? ” Little R em b rand t could hard ly believe his ears, and he was so h ap py th a t he could scarcely speak. Later on he was told th a t the teacher, though ang ry at his being inatten tive, h a d been struck by th e m asterly draw ings, and th a t he w an ted him to study the a rt of pain ting w ith one of the greatest pain ters of Leyden. to draw, at tegne. — inattentive, uopmærksom . — trouble, Ubehageligheder. — struck, imponeret. Realeksamen og Pigeskoleeksamen i Maj-Juni 1932. Dansk Stil. Som alm indelig Forberedelseseksam en. Regning og Matematik. 1. A faa r tilbud t et P a rti Kaffe leveret i Køben­ havn for 151,50 fl pr. 100 kg, hvortil komm er 17 Øre pr. kg i Told. N aar h a n beregner, at Udgifter af forskellig Art beløber sig til 12,72 Kr. pr. 100 kg, og n aar Gyldenkursen er 152 Øre, d. v. s. 1 fl — 152 Øre, hvor meget vil da Kaffen komme til at staa ham i pr. kg beregnet i dan ske Penge? E fter at h an h a r m od taget Kaffen, viser det sig, at han s Udgifter af forskellig Art ku n h ar væ ret 10,75 Kr. pr. 100 kg, medens Gyldenkursen er faldet saa meget, at h a n kan sælge Kaffen med 20 pCt. Fo rtjen este for 3,06 Kr. pr. kg. Hvor stor er Gyldenkursen? 2 . En Mand lader opføre en Villa, som koster ham 25000 Kr. F o r a t betale denne Sum op tager h a n et 1 ste P rio ritetslaan , som h a n faa r udbetalt i Obliga

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