The Town Hall. (See page 38—39).
Raadhuset. (111. Side 38 og 39).
T h e n e w t o w n h a l l , which is the sixth the city has possessed, is the most imposing build ing of modern Gopenhagen. It was erected u n der the direction of the arcliitect Professor Martin Nijrop in the years 1892—1902, and was inagu- rated in 1905. A noteworthy feature of the whole of this huge block is not merely the festive archi- tecture itself, combining old Danish and Italian niotives, and thereby creating a quite new and ihdependent style, but also the treatment of the material employed in the wall-work, in which both granite, chalk-stone and terracotta have been utilized in many delicately thought out details. In spite of its ample dimensions the general impression conveyed is at once pleasing and h a r- monious. It is the home of the burghers which in all its festive modesty is yet of monumental effect by reason of the pompous main entrance and the imposing tower. The latter rises campanile-like above the north-east wing to a height of 106 M., from the level of the Street to the point of the copper-roofed spire. On the steps leading up from the sunk design- paved mussel shell stands a huge bronze bowl, the gift of the city’s labour organizations. To the right fronting the prettily arranged garden is the dragon fountain executed in bronze from the de signs of the architect Th. Bindesbøll. The dragons and the central group with the bull are the work of Professor Joakim Skovgaard. Above the main entrance to the town hall is a gilded relief in cop- per by V. Bissen, representing Bishop Absalon the founder of the town. Amidst the battlements and turrets of the roof stand a number of statues re presenting the old watchmen, and an ice-bear at each corner. T h e i n t e r i o r of the building is of consi- derable interest. Of most imposing effect is the large hall "Raadhushallen” (1056 sq. m, with overhead lighting) which is often used for exhibitions and on large official occasions it serves as a reception hall. An open colonnade, the breast- work of which contains inscriptions indicating the main features of the history of the town, extends along the three sides; the fourth side is formed by a festively decorated wall, through which two entrances, with fine mosaic work, lead to the large main stairways, the ” Borgertrappen” on the left and the ”Presidenttrappen” on the right. Wall paintings and pictures with historical and mythological motives in earthenware mosaic, by different artists adorn these stairways. In the main top floor is the meeting room of the municipal 76
D e t n y e R a a d h u s, der er det sjette i Ræk ken af københavnske Raadhuse, er det moderne Københavns anseligste Bygningsværk. Det er op ført under Arkitekt, Professor Martin Nyrops Le delse i Decenniet 1892—1902 og blev indviet 1905. Bemærkelsesværdigt ved hele dette store Kompleks er ikke blot dets festlige Arkitektur, der i sig for ener gammeldanske Motiver med italienske E n keltheder og derved h a r skabt en ganske ny og selvstændig national Bygningsstil, men ogsaa Be handlingen af de benyttede Materialer i de røde Mure, hvor saavel Granit som Kridtsten og Terra kotta er anvendt i mange fint gennemtænkte De tailler. Bygningen gør trods sin ikke ringe Størrelse et meget harmonisk og intimt Indtryk — det er Bor gernes Hus i al sin festlige Stilfærdighed og dog monumentalt paa Grund af den pompøse Hoved indgang og det imponerende Taarn, der næsten virker som en Kampanile, som det rejser sig frit over den nordøstlige Fløj i en Højde af 105 % Meter fra Gadeplanet til Spidsen af det kobber- tækte Spir. Paa Opgangstrappen fra den mønsterbrolagte Nedsænkning, Muslingeskallem, staar en Bronce- kumme, skænket af Byens Arbejderorganisationer. Til højre paa Pladsen, ud for den lille smukke Raadhushave, er opstillet en Broncefontæne, Dra gespr ingvandet, udført efter Tegning af Arkitekt Th. Bindesbøll; Professor Joakim Skovgaard har modelleret Dragerne og Midtergruppen med Ty ren. — Over Raadhusets Hovedindgang et forgyldt Kobberrelief af V. Bissen, forestillende Byens Grundlægger, Biskop Absalon. Mellem Tagets T in der og Smaataarne staar en Række Vægterstatuer og ved hvert Hjørne en Isbjørn. B y g n i n g e n s I n d r e er meget seværdig. Mest imponerende virker vel den 1056 Kvadratme ter store Ovenlyssal, Raadhushallen, der ofte an vendes som Udstillingslokale og ved større, offent lige Festligheder tjener som Receptionssal. En aaben Søjlegang, hvis Brystværn bærer Indskrifter med Hovedtræk af Byens Historie, omgiver Hallen paa de tre Sider; den fjerde Side dannes af en festligt dekoreret Væg, hvorigennem to Portaab- ninger med Lermosaikker fører til de to store Ho vedtrapper: »Borgertrappena til venstre og »Præ- sidenttrappen
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