

Engelsk Version.

The Wolves and the Antelopes. A gentleman, who had been hunting in India, once told me the following story: One morning Iwas looking through my telescope at every part of the wide plain before me to see if any game happened to be in sight. In a short time I found a small herd of antelopes feeding in a field, and I was just going to take the glass from my eye, when in the grey light I caught sight of six wolves in a distant corner of the field. They were hidden from the antelopes behind some bushes, and they were evidently engaged in consultation with each other. I felt sure they were going to stalk the antelopes, and 1 determined to watch them. Creeping as near to the wolves as Icould without being seen, I hid myself behind a bush. By the time Igot near them, the wolves had made up their minds what to do. Themeeting broke up, and five wolves crept to the edge of the field. Onewolf lay down at each corner of the field, and the fifth crept towards the centre where he hid himself. The sixth wolf, who had not yet moved, now started from his hiding-place and made a dash at the antelopes. The graceful creatures started off in flying bounds, but, the of the field, one of the wolves jumped up, turned them and chased them in the opposite direction. Again the herd dashed across the plain, hoping to escape on the otherside; but again they were met by awolf, and in this manner the poor creatures were driven from side to side and from corner to corner. I now saw what was the plan of the wolves. It was to tire out the antelopes. When theycould run no longer, the five wolves would makean attack and drive the herd towards the centre of the field. Then the wolf lying in reserve would have sprung up, fallen on the antelopes and made sure'mf at least one victim. I rose, pointed my gun and shot the nearest wolf. The five others rushed off howling; and the frightened antelopes escaped. game, Vildt. — concultation, Raadslagning. — stalk, gøre Jagt paa. — to make a dash, gøre et. pludseligt Angreb, styrte frem. — bound, Spring. — victim, Offer.

moment they came nearthe ed

Realeksamen og Pigesko leeksamen i Maj—Juli 1922 . Dansk Stil.

Hvilke Ulemper medfører en streng Vinter fo r Menneskene?

Realeksamen i Maj—Juli 1922 .

ttegning og Matematik.

1. D. 4. April købte A

6400 Kr. Sporvogns-Aktier til Kurs 127, 3200 Kr. Bank-Aktier til Kurs 118 og 1600 Kr. Dampskibs-Aktier til Kurs 96. Kurtagen var Va pCt. Hvor meget gav A for alle Aktierne? D. 24. Oktober samme Aar solgte A samtlige Aktier: Sporvogns-Aktierne til Kurs 123, Bank-Aktierne til Kurs 155 og Dampskibs-Aktierne til Kurs 136. Kurtagen var Vs pCt. Hvor meget tjente A f Hvor mange pCt. p. a. svarede hans Fortjeneste til? 2. En Entreprenør skal belægge en rektangulær Plads, der er 96 m lang og 45 m bred, med et 3 cm tykt Lag af tjærede Smaaskærver. Arbejdet kan udføres af 9 Mand i 23 Dage, og Daglønnen for hver Mand beregnes til 10 ,50 Kr. Ud­ giften til Skærverne er 60 Kr. pr. m8 af Skærvelaget, til Tjære medgaar der 19 Øre pr. m2, og Udgiften til Nivellering beregnes til 724,70 Kr. 1 Fortjeneste tillægges 20 pCt. af samtlige Udgifter.

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