alle de Forbindtligheder, han kunde, medens den barske Statsminister Marcy’s Forsøg i den Retning vare mindre heldige. I min Broders Dagbogsoptegnelser fra den Tid, hvilke han af Vane skrev paa Engelsk, siger han: » The certainty I almost had fo r the last hvo years, that my wishes in this respect would be accomplished, and the daily expectation o f my appointment rendered the gratification its reception at last caused, of course, less lively and intense. But I feel none the less how thankful I ought, to be, and I trust I am, to that myste rious power which presides over the destiny o f men and states, which is fe lt as much in small as in great things, fo r having thus fa r smoothed my path through life and placed me where I now am. It is interesting and curious to me to think bac-k upon the hopes and fears, theplans and events which have succeeded one another ever since I left college and my position and sphere o f life became the all-absorbing subject o f my own and my parents' and sisters speculation and anxieties, and to note how strangely the current o f events has carried me on to the realisation o f our wishes in this respect. The Slesvig-Holstein re bellion even served at last to push me vigorously on and clear the track fo r my diplomatic career, which has been more rapid in advancement than perhaps has ever before been the good luck of any in our diplomacy, who took his start as simple Attaché '.« Imidlertid blev min Broders Gage nedsat til 3000 Specier, 500 Specier mindre end min Faders havde været. I samme Dagbog omtaler han Følgende: » / have received dispatch no. IX o f the 8tho f March approving of all my proceedings in the case o f a deserter from the Danish bark and man-of-war »Saga« last summer, accompanied with fu ll powersfor me to negocíate
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