

Rules o f the Committee o f the Danish Relief Found.

R eso lv ed : 1) Tha t each member o f the committee shall endea­ vou r, through personal acquaintances, to obtain subscrip­ tions and co-operations, and that to prevent the prin ted App ea l f r o m bearing the appearance o f a g en era l circular, the name o f the L a d y or Gentleman, to whom a copy is handed by any member, be in every case written at the head. 2) That to ensure sa fety and regu la rity, each member is to keep a little book o f Subscriptions received, and that the amounts be pa id over at the weekly meetings to the Secretaries , who w ill receipt the books and transmit the money, together with a list o f the donors, to the Treasurer. jJ That non -residen t members o f the committee be requested to transm it the am ount received by them (together with a list o f the donors) direct to the Trea su rer , A . W estenholz Esq., 2 6 M a rk L an e, L ondon , who will keep and produce at the m eetings a list o f their returns. q) That, as the fir s t resolution relieves the Secre­ taries f r o m the u sua l duties o f issu ing g en era l circulars & c t, they be requested to act in the same way as the other members, and to e x e rt themselves to obtain subscrip­ tions through persona l acquaintances. 5) Tha t Saturday being considered the most eligible day f o r the appearance o f the advertisements in the newspapers, the non -residen t members and the Secretaries be requested to make their weekly returns so as to be by W edn esda y in the hands o f the Treasurer who w ill be requested to attend to the insertion o f the adver­ tisem ents & ct. 10 *

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