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utallige Beviser paa den Interesse, der naeredes for gamle Danmark og vor yndige Prindsesse. Jeg skal nævne et Exempel. I sit Référât af et Mode i det geografiske Sel- skab i London meddeler » T im es « Folgende : v The Chairman (S ir R od . M u rch ison ) s a id : » On h is le ft he saw the D an ish M in ister (loud cheers). The company had already expressed their strong fe e lin g s o f attachment to D e n - mark which had sen t to this country that charm ing and accomplished P rin cess already beloved by the whole B r i tish people (loud cheers). H a v in g h im se lf travelled over various parts o f Scandinavia he m igh t be allowed to say, there was no part o f that g loriou s region to which he was more attached than D enm a rk and he had taken the liberty on this occasion, having the D an ish M in iste r on his le ft hand, to wear the cross which the K in g o f D e n mark had con ferred upon him.«. Th e D a n ish M in ister, M r . T orben de B i l l e , who was received with g r e a t enthousiasm and who spoke E n g lish with as much ease a n d propriety as i f it had been his own vernacular, sa id : » / thank You, S ir Roderick, M y lords and Gentlemen, f o r the k ind manner in which You have alluded to D enm a rk . I n eed scarcely assure You that the fe e li n g You have displayed is f u l l y reciprocated by m y own country ; indeed I doubt whether there be any country that reciprocates such fe e li n g s to the exten t that D e n mark does (loud cheers). N o t only do we adm ire the vast wealth, grea tn ess and power o f the B r itish nation, but we particularly adm ire the political system by which you are enabled to do what no other nation ever accom p lish ed — un itin g monarchy on the one hand vith the f r e e s t institutions on the other that the w orld has ever seen (cheers). B u t let me rem ind You that i f a g rea t deal o f this is ow ing to the character o f the B ritish nation, som ething is also ow ing to the geograph ical
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