The Scientific Institutions fo r the A rm y
and, Navy a re :
1. Landcadetacadem iet, The M ilitary A ca d em y , erected in 1 7 1 3 , at the corner o f A cadem iegade and B redgade. H ere yo ung persons a re p re p are d as officers for the A rm y. Den militaire Hoishole, The M ilitary High School , founded in 183 0 by Frederik VI. T h is In stitu tio n , situate in K ongens N y to rv , h as for its object the giving a suitable extension of th a t p re p a ra tio n , w hich officers in the arm y in g en eral receiv e, to those persons w ho m ay be considered fit to occupy such appointm ents in the a rm y for w hich a m ore th an comm on education is req uired : as for the Staff, the E ngineers, and the A rtillery. T h e D anes, im bued w ith the p rinciples o f the first French re v o lu tio n , consider it a g re at im p rov em ent in th eir m ilitary system th a t the a rm y should be officered from all classes o f so ciety: indeed, this sentim ent, this doctrine, this prejudice, is p rev alen t th ro u g h o u t the Continent. It seem s to b e , despite existing e x p erien c e s, still held as a m axim in C ontinental political m etaphysics th a t it is not at all m aterial th a t the officers of the a rm y should be gentlem en either by b irth , education, or 2.
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