A s the chief fortress o f the K in gd om , the ch ief depot o f the army, and the ch ief harbour o f the fleet, Copenhagen contains a vast number of buildings, stores, and arsenals, all o f which are under the war department. Caserne, The Barracks, are 9 in n um b er, viz, The large In fantry Barrack a t the corner o f Sølvgade and Ø stervold : The In fan try Barrack in K ron prindsessegade, and The Infantry Barrack in C h ristian sh av n. N ex t, The Barrack fo r the Foot Guards on the N ørrevold, a t the corn er of G o th ersg ad e; The Horse Guard Barrack on F red erik sh o lm s C a n al; The Hussar Barrack on the T oldbodvei ; and The Barrack fo r the Re cruits in Q væ sthuusgade. M oreover, th ere are two large A rtillery Barracks in C h ristian sh av n, o f w hich o n e , b u ilt in 1 8 3 ti, is called the new barrack. In addition to these b arrack s the C itadel o f F re d e rik sh av n can afford plenty o f accomm odation for troops. Hovedvag t , The Main Guard House , is situate on Kongens N ytorv, and commanded by a Captain. A t each gate o f the city there is also a guard house, but these are under the charge of non-comm issioned officers.
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