being applied to the p u rch ase o f new w ork s. A nnual subscription, 4 R bd.
The term Club, as it is used in this Country, will hardly be recognised or rightly understood either by ourselves or our neighbours, the French. The D anish Club is much like the Russian; chiefly an establishment for card p la y in g , billiards, chess, & c ., for men in office, m erchants, and citizens in easy circumstances. During the winter, fortnightly or monthly balls (except at the K ing’s and Military Clubs) are added to the ordinary amusem ents. The chief clubs in Copenhagen are: Kongen$ Klub, The King’s Club; royal, how ever, only from the signature o f C hristian V II. being affixed to the leave given for its fo rm atio n on the 15th. N ovr. 1782. T h e n um b er o f m em bers is lim ited to 320. E ntran ce fee 4 R bd. A nnual subscription 16 R b d ., paid q u a rte rly in a d v an c e: in addition to w hich , a tax or contrib ution to St. M ary ’s C hurch o f 2 Rbd. is a n n u ally levied on each m em b e r, as is the case w ith all clubs. A m em ber can introduce a stran g er for the space of a week. One or (two balls are giv en during the
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