m ound in th e latter rest the rem ains o f those officers (2 C aptains — 8 L ieutenants) w ho fell for th eir coun try in the bloody b attle o f C openhagen, A pril 2d., 1801. A n ivy -co v ered pillar, hew n from a block o f N orw egian m a rb le , facing the E ast, tow ards th e Sound, b ears the follow ing in scrip tio ns : DE FALDT FOR FÆDRENELANDET DEN 2» en APRIL, 1801. (They fell for the land of their fathers, April 2d.f 1801). MEDBORGERES ERKJENDTLIGHED REISTE DEM DETTE MINDE. (The gratitude of their fellow -citizens erected to them this memorial). A nd, below a carv ed w reath on the pedestal : DEN KRANDS SOM FÆDRELANDET GAV — DEN VISNER E l PAA FALDEN KRIGERS GRAY. (The wreath their Native-country gave ne’er withers On the fallen warriors’ grave.) T h e nam e o f each o fficer, as w ell as o f th e ship in w hich he se rv e d , a re inscribed on larg e stones placed a t the base o f the m ound.
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