Cancell i B uildings. 9) Hauserplads.
10) Halm
torv , hay and straw m arket.
T h e B ridges a re : Holmensbro , lead ing from H olm ens C anal to S lo tsp lad sen ; Høibro , connecting Ilø ib ro p lad s an d S lo tsp la d se n ; and Stormbro (som e tim es called the E nglish b rid g e ), Marmorbro , and Prindsensbro , w hich lead from the back of C h ristian sb org P alace over Slotsholm s C anal. Knipprlsbro and La.ngebro unite C openhagen and C h ristian sh av n ; and in C h ristiansh av n a re Børnr- buusbro, Snorrebro , and Wi/dersbro.
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