Lake. An em inence, called Frue Biery, in the wood on its opposite bank, affords a fine prospect over the Cattegat, Sound, and Coast o f Sweden; but still not to be compared to the view from the W ind-m ill before mentioned. The road from Fredensborg to Elsinore, (about 8 m iles), passes near Gurre , where, on the banks o f Gurre lake, amid sombre and romantic scenery, are the remains o f an old castle, the favorite residence, in the 14th. century, o f King Valdemar Atterdag. Elsinore (flelsinyoer), containing 8 0 0 0 in hab itan ts , is beautifully situated on the narrow est p a rt o f th e S o u n d , opposite the Sw edish sea-p o rt tow n o f Helsinyhory} 3 m iles d is ta n t H o te ls : "H o te l d’G re -S u n d ,” and "H o te l du N o rd .” E lsin ore w as the b irth -p la ce o f S ax o -G ram - m a tic u s , a celebrated histo rian o f the tw elfth century. Kronbory, (C row n C astle), w as built by F re d e rik I I . , tow ard s the end o f the sixteenth century. It is a m agnificent, solid, and v e n era b le
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