side o f the C athedral is still shew n the p rin t of B ishop W illiam ’s foot, w hen, standing on th at spot, th e w ra th fu l P re late opposed the entrance o f Svend E stridsen, and thundered forth the ban o f excom m unication ag ain st the K ing for h av in g desecrated the chu rch w ith innocent blood.
Maglekilde, once the R oeskilde W a te r-C u re E stablishm ent, has, for w ant o f patients, passed by sale into p riv ate hands.
T h e S te am b o a t, " B orea s” plies betw een Roeskilde and Nykjøbing on the lsefjord, calling a t Selsø, Jægerspriis, and Frederiksværk. F rom Roeskilde: F rom Nykjøbing : Mon. 10 o’clock a. m . W ed . 6 o’clock a. m. T h . 4 — p. m . S at. „ — „ „ If the to u rist h as tim e he w ill find th e two la tte r places w o rth y o f a visit. A sh o rt description o f them , th erefore, m ay be of use.
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