M ilitary as an exercise ground and for r e v ie w s ; Ladegaardsveien , leading u p to the F o lk o n e er- a llé e , &c. Frederiksberg Slot. The road to this palace is through the West Gate, after passing which a short distance from the draw-bridge is seen on the left Tivoli, and, opposite, a small building for the use in summer of the members of the King’s Club. A little further, on the left, is the entrance to the Roeskilde Railway Station, opposite to which, in the centre of the road, stands the Obelisk, called Frihedsstøtten , or The Pillar of Liberty, raised by the peasants in commemoration of their emanci pation from villenage by Christian the Seventh and Frederik the Sixth, then Crown Prince. The Obelisk, which rests on a pedestal of Norwegian marble, is 48 feet high, and bears on its sides suitable inscriptions. On the east and west sides of the pedestal are basreliefs , representing a Serfs release from Vassalage, and the Goddess of Justice: and the four corners are decorated with four marble figures representing Fidelity, Patriotism, Agriculture, and Bravery. A bo ut m idw ay on the V esterbro, on the left, is a larg e buff b u ild in g , enclosed by a railing, Det Kiøbenhavnske Skydeselskab og Kongelige danske Broderskabs L o c a le } o r , The Club-
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