of th ose countries, resident h e re , m ust be obtained. Should a trav eller have any idea o f visiting R ussia, he h a d b etter pro cu re the vise o f the R ussian M inister in L o n d o n , before leav in g ; for R ussian M inisters a t Foreign C ourts m ust comm unicate w ith St. P e tersb u rg before granting a P a ssp o rt or vise to a stranger. On leaving C o p en h ag en , the P a ssp o rt will be dem anded a t the tim e of booking berth by Steam er, and w ill be re tu rn e d , g e n e ra lly , on board the S team er before reaching its destination. T h e vise o f the Police (unless the P a ssp o rt has the vise of the D anish M inister for Foreign A ffairs) is alw ay s n ecessary before leaving Co penhagen. Should the trav eller w ish to cross the §ound to a tow n on the Sw edish c o a s t, or a short dis tance inland, he will be provided w ith a Passere- Seddel (a P e rm it), free o f charge, on application at the Oflice of the S te a m e r: and th is , for such purpose, is o f itself sufficient. T o v isit J u tla n d , the D uchies, or the Islands, it is n ecessary to be p rov ided w ith a P assp o rt from the P olice Office, or the Police vise. Should a trav eller lose his P asspo rt, h e m ust apply at the B ritish L egation for another, or procure from som e respectable citizen a requ est to the Reisendes Contoir, Police Office, th at a P assp o rt
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