by the Chaplain o f the British Legation, and ap peared in the Copenhagen Journal, "D en Berlingske Tidende,” o f the 12tli. Septr. 1848. On this version, but with many faults, re-appearing in "The Il lustrated London N ew s” o f 29th. Novr. 1851, and being there attributed to the Countess Reventlow , the Editor o f "D en B erlingske Tidende” inserted a paragraph in his Journal o f Dec. 28, 1 8 5 2 , o f which the follow ing is a translation : "In consequence o f the Authorship of the felicitous English version of the Danish National Song, "Den Tappre Landsoldat,” which appeared in our Number for Septr. 12th., 1 8 4 8 , having been attributed by "The Illustrated London N ew s” o f the 29th. of last month (in which Paper it has been re-printed, but with numerous errors) to the Countess Reventlow , we feel bound in justice to state that the real translator is Mr. R. S. Ellis, the Chaplain of the British Legation at this Court.” This number of "D en Berlingske Tidende,” with a translation o f the paragraph, and a correct copy o f the English version, was sent to the Editor o f "The Illustrated London N ew s,” with a request that he would rectify his m istake in a subsequent Number o f his N ew sp ap er; but the Editor has since neither corrected his m istake in respect to the Authorship, nor the numerous errors in his edition o f the Song. It may also be here observed that, in the English
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