Selskabet Cæcilia, The Cecilia Society, composed of amateurs, under the direction of Mr. Rung , Singing Master. The object of this Society — the revival of the pure and ancient style of Church Music in Denmark — and their exertions, deserve much praise. Within the last ten years several vocal clubs have been established, among which may be spe cified, Studentersang f oreniny e n , The S tuden ts ’ Vocal Union, under the direction of the Organists, Messrs. Hansen and Berggreen; B e t skandi naviske Selskabs Sangforening, The Scand i navian Company’s Vocal Chib, directed by Mr. R ung , Singing Master; and Haandvcerkersang- foreningen, The Mechanics’ Vocal Club , under the direction of Mr. B erggreen , Organist. In addition to the above there exist several minor vocal clubs among the various Trade Societies.
Copenhagen possesses a considerable number of Public Collections and Museums of artistic, scientific, and historical interest. Among them, the first and most important must be mentioned:
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