w hen a t the low est ebb, revived b y our countrym an,. T h om as H ope, E sqr. A ttach ed to this Institu tio n are the following- Schools : 3 for the study o f A rchitecture ; 3 fo r O rn am ental D raw in g s; 2 for L iving M odels o f dif feren t characters for study in d raw in g ; and one M odelling School, O n the foundation d a y , the 31st. of M arch, a public m eeting is held by the professors and m em bers, w hen the annu al distribution o f prizes to the successful pupils is m ade. On the follow ing d a y , A pril ! s t . , The Exhibition o f Paintings ( Udstillingen a f Malerier ) is opened to th e public, and continues so to the end of M ay. In the S ta tua ry Apartment ( Figursal ) th e re is a fine collection o f casts of antiq ue fig u re s, and som e of T h o rv ald sen ’s w orks. T o this a p a rtm e n t entran ce m ay be obtained byapplication toth e p o rte r of the Academ y. W h ile speaking o f the A cadem y o f A rts, The A r t Association (Kunstforeningen ) m erits notice for the service and benefit it h as done for the in tere st o f A rt and A rtists. It purchases an nually a g re a t m an y excellent w orks by foreign A rtists, an d afterw ard s disposes o f them by ballot am ong its m em bers : it endeavours, also, to aw aken and p reserv e a taste for the fine arts by the weekly exhibitions
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