Industrial Exhibition w hich w as opened in the m onth o f A u g u st, 1 8 5 2 , on the R idin g -g ro u n d o f C hristiansborg P alace, w as one o f the fruits o f the activity o f this A ssociation. T h e office is a t Nr. 63, Ø ste rg ad e , b u t it w ill p ro b ab ly soon possess accomm odation larg e r and m ore suitable. In addition to the foregoing Societies and A s sociations m ay be m entioned a few m o re , w hose object is explained in th eir titles: viz The Opera tives’ Improvement Association , w hich effects its aim by lectures, conversation, &c. It holds its m eetings a t Nr. 147, corner of V iin g aard stræ d e and A dm iralg ad e. The Scandinavian Society h as no re g u la r place o f m eeting •— its lib ra ry is a t N r. 131, B adstuestræ de. Prceminm Society for Jew ish artists and operatives. Society fo r Im provement in Navigation. Society for Im provement in Gardening , w hich h as its g ard en in F red erik sb erg allée. &c.
Metropolitanskolen, The Metropolitan School , is in Fiolstrsede, a t the back of F ru e K irk e : the n um b er o f pupils is ab o u t 150. B esides
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