T he Society attem p ts also to spread its light through th e provinces by m eans of p o p u lar lectures.
Det Kongelige Landhuusholdningsselskab , o r , The Royal Agricu ltural Society , founded in 1768. F rom this Society m uch w as expected at th e com m encem en t, and it w as h ighly favored in th e reign of F red erik V I. It h a s , no doubt, been the m eans o f introducing som e im provem ents in, and en cou rag em en t to, h u sb an d ry b y the dispersion o f publications (n o t, how ever, o f an y g re at m erit), th e distribution o f p rizes, the exhibition o f A g ri cultu ral p ro d u c e , C a ttle -sh o w s, &c. ; although ro tation o f crops, d ra in s, and ag ricu ltu ral chem istry, a re still p ractically unknow n in D enm ark. T h e offices of the Society are in P rindsens P a la i on F red eriksholm s Canal. Det danske Silke - Selskab , The Danish S ilk Society, founded by Mr. Repp and Captn. Hamaken in the y e a r 1841 for the p urpose of introducing th e Mortis alba into D enm ark to feed silkw orm s. C hristian V III., on th e representation of the fo u n d e rs, ordered m an y th o u san d s o f m ul b e rry trees to be sow n and planted in the royal forests, w hich h a v e succeeded adm irab ly well. T h is Society h a s no settled place o f m eeting: the directors assem ble a t th e residence o f Mr.
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