w ork o f D anish literatu re will, w hen finished, tu rn out a "ru d is indigestaq ue m oles.” Molbech’s D ictionary is at p resent the only D iction ary of D anish for the D a n e s , and he quotes the "V id en sk abern es S elskabs O rdbog” (the D iet, o f the R oy. Soc.) not, as it w ould seem , by w ay o f establishing w h a t is rig h t, b u t ra th e r by w ay o f shew ing the e rro rs into w hich th ey m ay be led w h o , as a co rporation, deal w ith literatu re and lexicography. T h is Society has, since its estab lishm en t, been liberally su pported by the D an ish S o v e re ig n s, and, no t the least, by the father of the reigning M onarch. Det Kongelige nordiske Oldskriftselskab, or, The Royal Antiquarian Society , founded by the p resen t S e c re ta ry , E ta tsraa d R a fn , in 1825, h a s for its object the sp read o f the know ledge of N orth ern and Icelandic A rchaeology by the p u b lication of Icelandic S agas in the original te x t, and w ith g lo ssa rie s, com m en taries, D an ish translations &c., as well as by such essays as throw a light up o n N orthern ancient histo ry and custom s. A lm ost all the reigning sovereigns of#the globe, and a v a st num ber o f distinguished individuals o f every country, are m em bers o f this Society. Den dansk-historiske Forening , o r , The Society for the prom ulgation o f Danish History,
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