p rin cip al saloon is 2 9 0 ft. long and 4 0 ft. broad. Few public libraries p ossess a g re ater n um b er o f A tlasses and E n g rav in g s: the collection o f MSS is considerable, bu t few, how ever, of Classic lite ra tu re ; the treasu res o f H ind oo, P a li, an d Z end literatu re, w hich the distinguished P ro f. R ask b rou ght from India are the m ost valuable am ong them . B ooks are lent o u t , and m ust be applied for betw een 11 an d 1 o’clock. T h e reading room is open daily from 11 to 2 o’clock. The University Library, is arran g ed in a spacious ap artm en t above T rin ity C h u rc h , extending the whole length of the building, h av in g its entrance from the R ound T ow er. It contains ab ou t 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 v olum es; its prin cip al treasu re in M SS is the Icelandic collection. T h e reading room is open daily from 1 0 to 2 o’clock, during w hich h o u rs books are lent out on a p plication. B oth the R o yal and U niversity L ibraries m u st be supplied by p u b lish ers w ith a copy o f every book printed in D enm ark. Det Classenske Bibliothek, The Classen L ibrary, a t N r. 129 Am aliegade, w as founded b y two b ro th e rs , C ham berlain ./. F. Classen , an d P riv y Counsellor P . H. Classen, in 1 7 9 6 : the 4 Universitetsbibliotheket ,
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