a statem ent kindly supplied by the K eeper of H is D anish M ajesty ’s P riv y A rc h iv e s, the C hevalier Wegener 3 is a L etter from the A rchbishop Adel- bertj o f the X V IIth . K alends (16th. Ju ly ) 1059. T his L etter trea ts o f a gift which the N un Rikqvur had m ade to the H am b u rg h C h u rc h , to w i t , an estate n e ar S tade in the Ditmarsh. In the adjoining buildings are the L ife In su rance E stablishm ent and the S tam p Office. Raad- og Domhuset , the Town-Hail and Court House j in N y to rv , w as built in the reign of C hristian V II. T h e foundation stone w as laid by the C row n P rince (afterw ards F red erik V I.) on the 28 th. Sept. 180 5, and the building w as finished in 1815. A bove the chief entrance is the follow ing in scrip tio n : "M ed L ov skal m an L and b y gge,” (w ith law m ust the land be built) w ords w hich head the code of the Ju tlan d L aw o f V aldem ar the Second. Among the num ero us offices contained in this building m ay be m entioned the M unicipal Council C ham ber, the Police and C rim inal C ourts, the P a ss Office, and Office o f the only N otary P u b lic in the C apital. Borsen , the Exchange , on the S lotsplads, is one o f the m any buildings for which the C ity is
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