which may be viewed gratis , w ith the Days and Hours on ivhich they are to be seen during the Summer months. OF THE DIFFERENT PUBLIC COLLECTIONS Monday. T he C oin- and M edal-C abinet. F rom 12— 2 o’clock. T h e M useum o f N orthern A n tiq u ities................................. — 5 — 7 — Tuesday. T h o rv ald se n ’s M u s e u m ........... — I t — 2 — M useum o f N atu ral H isto ry - H e rp e to lo g y ............................ — 11 — 1 — M useum o f N atu ral H isto ry - M in e ra lo g y ........... *.................. — 3— 5 — T h e R o y al Collection of E n grav in gs .................................... — 11—2 — T he R o yal G allery o f P aintin gs — 3 - 7 — .
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