JLn the m ost ancient chronicles and docum ents the p resent city o f Kiobenhavn is styled only by its last syllable flcivn (the h av en ). B u t as trad e in creased , and m erchan t vessels frequented th at harb o u r, the place w as called Kiobmcendhavn (the haven of m erc h an ts); w h ic h , by e llip sis, h as been converted into Kiobenhavn , its p resen t nam e. B y other nations, as the E nglish and G erm an, it is called Copenhagen, a n d , by the French, Copenhague. T he natives o f Iceland still call it Kaupmannahofn. Its L atin nam e has a lw ay s been Hafnia. In p oetry we m eet w ith it as Axel-stad (the city o f Axel). In the y e ar 116 4, K ing W ald em a r the F irst m ade a g ra n t o f this tow n with the adjoining lan d s
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