



Christiania to Kiel:

Kiel to Christiania:

The "Christiania.”

T ues. 12, Noon. S atur. H 1/« a. m. C alling a t N yborg, W ed. C alling a t N yborg, S atu r. 9 p . m. 8 p. m .

When the Extension o f the Railway from Roeskilde to Korsor is completed, the Steamers to K iel and Flensborg w ill take their departure from Korsor instead of, as at present, from Copenhagen.

T h e S team ers from L ondon to St. P e te rsb u rg — from H u ll to St. P etersb u rg — from H a v re to St. P etersb u rg — from R otterdam to St. P e tersb u rg — call a t C openhagen on the o utw ard and hom ew ard voyage. Office o f the London lin e , N r. 169 B redgade. Offices of the H ull lin e , N r. 190 B redgade,

and Nr. 13 8 S tore Am aliegade.

Office o f the H av re line, Nr. 4 0 Q vsesthuusgade. Office of the R otterdam line, Nr. 169 B redgade.

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