Editor’s remarks on the popularity o f this Song, and on "the close fidelity o f the meaning adhered to in the translation,” it is stated that "several copies o f Mr. Brinley R ichards’s arrangement o f the air were sent by the late Danish Ambassador, Count R eventlow , to D enm ark, and that it was played by royal command by the m ilitary bands on parade.” Upon enquiry o f the original composer, Mr. H ornem ann, and among the officers o f the Guards, this incident was unknown to any o f them. Printing Offices. The principal are: Ber- lings’s , Pilestræde: Bianco Lunos , Ø stergade: Louis Kirin’s , Store K iobm agergade: S chu ltz’s, Amagertorv: Thiele’s, Store Helliggeiststræde. Lithographic Establishments. Bcerentzen’s, Store K iøbmagergade : B ing Sf Ferslev’s , Ø ster gade : Otto’s, Vimm elskaftet : Tegner Sf Kitten- dorff’s Ø stergade: Tegner’s, Amagertorv.
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