

H otel o f the Russian L egation, on the Kongens N y Torv. This Collection w as founded by that lover o f the arts Count Adam Gottlob Moltke, o f B regentved, in 1 7 9 2 , and since greatly increased b y his son and grandson. It contains about 5 0 0 p ain tin g s, the greater part o f which are o f the Dutch and old Danish schools: some o f them are o f great value. The Collection is open from the 1st. May to the 1st. Deer, every W ednesday from 1 2— 2 o’clock. Travellers can, how ever, gain ad­ mittance at any time on application to Professor Møller at the Academy of Arts, Charlottenborg. Den Kgl. Kobberstiksamling , The Roya l Collection o f Engravings , is in Prindsens Palai on Frederiksholms Canal. It was founded in the time of Christian V ., and consists o f 5 3 5 Portfolios containing about 1 00 ,000 P rints, among which are a great many very rare. The Collection is open every Tuesday and Friday from 11— 2. D et ethnographiske Museum , The E thno­ graphic M useum , is also located in P rind sens P a lai. T h is Collection constitutes an im p o rtan t p a rt of the R oy al M useum o f A rt, or, as it w as fo rm erly term ed, Kunstkammeret, the C ham ber o f A rt, w hich, first, had its seat in a w ing of C hris­ tian sb o rg P a la c e , a n d , la te r , w as rem oved to a

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