

an open pavilion close by the en ­ trance. Here “Sm ø r­ reb rø d " and beer play a still m o re im ­ po rtan t rôle than in the C on c ert Hall. Darkness has m e an ­ while been setting in , and now is the tim e for Tivoli to show itself in all its glory. The illum ina­ tion begins. O ver

the garden walks rise sparkling trium phal arches of g reen and red lanterns, lawns and flow er-beds are bo rd e red w ith pearl chains of w hite g round -g lass lamps, and on all sides rise fan­ tastic castles of fire. A rad ian t fairy-palace blazes th ro u g h the darkness; this is the “Bazaar", a lon g w ooden b u ild ing in the M oorish style, accomm odating several restaurants; bu t for the m om en t it looks like the fantastic offspring of som e g reat m a­ gician’s m om entary whim . In every direction lights flash and blaze. In the shubbery gleam m any -co lou red lamps, like sparkling stones in a w o ­ m an ’s dark hair, and the to rches’ flame tongu es cast th eir red, w avering glare over the crowd. On gala evenings it is p e r­ haps finest by the lake, b o rd e red w ith thou sand s of lamps, which are m irro red on its still surface. The crowd p rom e ­ nades in ceaseless m arch ro u n d its m argin, and on the w ater the regu lar stroke of oars is heard. Boats glide continually to and fro, sw arm ing ro u n d a fu ll-rigg ed frigate which lies m oo red in the m iddle of the lake. This frigate is an exact copy of K ing Christian IV.’s battle-ship “T re fo ld igh ed en “ (The Trinity), bu t accomm odates in its cabin what its venerable exterior w ould never suggest — a variety entertainment. This

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