


the summ er the centre of the musical life of Copenhagen; and the really valuable rendering s of orchestral and vocal music which are given there b rin g together under its glass dome, especially on Saturdays, an audience of musical people. It is, however, not merely to the worship of music that the place is devoted. In the back part of the hall and in the ve­ randah ru n n in g ro u n d it, waiters in dress-coats hurry to and fro, b rin g in g the g enu in e Danish "Sm ørrebrød" (bread and butter w ith layers of delicacies) and o ther refreshments to those of the public w ho have seated themselves at the small tables. Round the C oncert Hall passes a constant stream of p rom e­ naders. H ere only detached scraps of music reach the ear; but the chatter is all the m ore lively. By the glare of the arc lamps people spy ou t fam iliar faces, meet friends and relatives, and make appointm ents. For the walk round the Concert Hall is the g reat rendezvous, and the favorite resort of Tivoli's regular frequenters. The music perform ed by the o ther orchestra is of a d i­ stinctly p o pu la r character; this w ell-conducted band plays in

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