

round ab o u ts and sw ings, shoo ting galleries and trials of strength, to perform ances by the m ost renow ned artists. Tivoli is m ost popular. Again and again portions of its g ro u n d s, which originally form ed a part of the old fortifica­ tions of C openhagen , have been included in the plans for new streets, rend ered necessary by the rapid grow th of the city. But pop u lar feeling has always been jealously on the watch to see th at the m unicipal authorities did not pare away any portion of that classic g ro u n d w ithou t g iv ing compensation in the way of th e extension in o ther directions; and though Tivoli has u n d erg o n e m any alterations since its establishment in 1843, it has, on the whole, fairly well preserved its original characteristics. The place is perhap s seen to the greatest advantage on a Sunday, a b rig h t and m ild Danish Sunday, when the sun has been sh in ing all day, and the heat has been almost like a tangible mass in the nearly deserted streets. At 4 o ’clock the cannon salute announces that T ivoli’s varie­ gated pleasures are to begin. D uring the next few hours people stream in thou sand s th ro u g h the stately portal — an ex­ pectant crowd, dressed in its Sunday best, and conversing in foreign to ngu e s as well as in the dialects of all parts of the country. Som etim es there is a crush outside, bu t once in, the stream divides itself and spreads over the vast grounds.

The so ld ier and his sweetheart from the g en tle ­ m an ’s kitchen w ander tow ard s the open platform where d ancing goes on every Sunday, a small charge for adm is­ sion b ein g made.


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