
TIVOLI. n the broad bu stling tho rough fare which connects Copenhagen w ith the subu rb of Vesterbro, su r­ rou n d ed by row s of tall houses, in the m idst of the noisy hum and the crow d ing of business- life, lies a spot devoted to care-dispelling and

peaceful diversion. This is the place of am usem en t known as "T ivoli". H ere, und e r the green trees, all th ro u g h the summ er months, harmless, peaceful enjoym ent prevails. Here in the ligh t summ er evenings is heard the jingle of lively m e­ lodies, the sound of glad voices, and the clinking of glasses. H ere the white light of the arc lamps is m irrored in the sh in ­ ing water of a tranquil lake, while fragm ents of son g and th e incessant hum of talk float th ro u g h the air. Tivoli is resorted to by persons of all ranks and of all ages. T h e bearers of the m ost h onou red nam es am ong the aristocracy and the u p p e r m iddle class are m et side by side w ith workm en and peasants from Sealand and the south of Sw eden; here com e solitary old people and children w ho have scarcely learned to walk, the families of sedate citizens and careless stu ­ dents, parents w ith their children and y o u n g men w ith their sweethearts. And Tivoli is a g reat co rnucop ia which offers som eth ing to each one. There is high art and ju gg ling ; there is the peaceful idyll, and the brilliant festival. Its p rog ramm e is a g am u t of the most varied amusements, ran g in g from

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