
This book about Copenhagen, the ca­ p ita l o f Denmark, is published by the Danish Tourist Society; the Govern­ ment, the Town Council o f Copenhagen, a number o f public institutions, besides several tradespeople and private gentle­ men, whose names are to befo u n d under the heading o f » Subscribers « have by their liberality made it possible to pub­ lish the book in a style adequately illu­ strating Danish enterprise and culture. With the single exception o f the im­ portant chapter on the sights in the capital o f Denmark, which has been com­ posed by a circle o f professional men, the contents have emanated from mem­ bers o f th e D a n i s h p r e s s , who with grea t willingness have placed their pens and knowledge a t the disposal o f the Tourist Society, which has selected Mr. F r a n z v.Jess en as the editor o f the book. The aim o f this little volume, which is now being sent into the world, is to] increase the knowledge o f Denmark and its capital in the old as well as in the new world, to arouse a more universal interest in our country, our people, and our culture, to show how easy it is to g e t to Denmark, and how well a visit to our beautiful country will repay the tourist. » The Danish Tourist Society. «

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