


F rederik sberg G arden s contain m any rem iniscences of the end of last century and the b eg in n in g of the present. T here are tw o

old sum m e r-h o u se s which w ere used as tea-pavilions by the royalties of those days. O ne of them goes by the nam e of th e Swiss House; the gay co lou ring of the other, which is a Chinese pavilion, has an adm irable decorative effect. In front of the castle are many fine avenues, — som e beech, lime, and chestnut. The canals in the park form small islands, covered w ith luxu riant vegetation. S tanding on the top of the so-called "C openhagen Hill" one has the whole city w ith its cupolas and tow ers at on e ’s feet. C lose to th e castle is the principal entrance of the Z oo lo g i­ cal Gardens. The specialty of these gardens, which w ere laid ou t abou t 30 years ago, is their collection of Arctic animals. As regard s situation and g rounds, they may be reckoned am ong st the finest in Europe. The imm ediate proxim ity of the capital makes the charm ingly rural spot doub ly attractive. The Søndermarken is very m uch like a wood. The w estern p art especially is quite w ild w ithou t either road s o r p a th ­ ways; one has to make on e’s way th ro u g h a thick und e rg row th beneath the high, dark trees, am idst silence broken only by the ripp le of some little stream.

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