

The o ther two parks are the Fre­ deriksberg Gar­ dens and Sønder­ marken, situated in the ad jo in ing parish of F red e­ riksberg. T hey are only separated by the h ig h -ro a d . Each of them covers an area of abou t 90 acres, which, for C o p en ­ hagen , is a very


considerable extent of g round . They were laid ou t in the beg in n in g of the 18th century, and both of them have inte­ resting historical associations. As far as F rederik sberg Park is concerned, these associa­ tions centre ro u n d the Castle. H ere dwelt the unhappy Da­ nish queen, Caroline Mathilde, sister of K ing George III. of G reat Britain, when she first came to Denm ark at the age of 15, in 1766; and here she also spent some of th e last days before m isfortune overtook her. After her royal husband, K ing Christian VII., w ent out of his m ind, she formed an unfortunate connection w ith the then all powerful prim e m ini­ ster, Struensee, on w hose fall she was banished the country. She died at the early age of 24 at Celle in Hannover. The castle rem ains unaltered, and a secret d o o r is shown which, according to trad ition , led from Struensee's apartm ents to the queens’. W hen the English b om b a rd ed C openhagen in 1807, they occupied F rederiksberg, and General Ludlow m ade his head­ quarters in the castle. The English soldiers on this occasion behaved adm irably; they neither plundered no r comm itted any o ther excesses.

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