

made itself a first class position ; some of its beautiful p ro d u c ­ tions are to be seen in the museum . Of late years D enm ark has don e g o o d w ork in the dom ain of art pottery. The m useum possesses a n um b e r of deco ra­ tive earthenw are dishes and vases, executed by some of the best representatives of m odern Danish art — Joachim Skovgaard, Th. B indesboll, Philipsen and others. Several pots and jars, mostly w ith “lustre'' glazing, come from the m anufactory of H erm an A. Kahler at Nestved, the p rodu ction s of which are known and adm ired everywhere abroad. Deserving of m ention is a cradle, decorated with symbolic figures by the y o u n g artist, H arald Slott-Moller, from whose designs m uch goo d w ork has been done, especially in silver (A. Michelsen). Most of the artists just m entioned have done g reat service to the artistic b o o k -p ro d u c in g industry, w hich has thriven of late years, especially since the found ing of the “Society for Book-Industry" u n d e rth em an ag em en to fF .H en d rik sen . Special prog ress has been m ade in the art of binding, and the Museum possesses fine specim ens of w hat has been done in this d ep a rt­ ment. Some of the bind ing s shown w ere designed by the celebrated illustrator, Hans Tegner. The m useum owns his principal work, the th ree volum e illustrated edition of Hol- b e rg ’s plays, and also illustrated works by Frolich, Jerndorff, V iggo Pedersen, N. Skovgaard and others, which all testify to the high standard attained in the art of illustration. Ch. Been.

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