

the nam e of the Royal Copenhagen Porcelain Manufactory. Most of the exhibits b e long to last century, when the m anu ­ factory first becam e famous. They may be divided into two classes, the first consisting of useful articles — small services, turreens, dishes, plates, etc.; and the second of decorative ar­ ticles, such as figures, and groups. W hilst the shapes are mostly in that Rococo style which was in favour in the G er­ man china factories, especially at the famous Meissen works, the decoration has the graceful, if som ew hat cold elegance of the fascinating style peculiar to the F rench industry d u ring the reign of Louis XVI. The so-called M onrad set, of which every single piece is decorated differently, illustrates the excel­ lence of the factory’s m ethod of painting in colours. There are also several fine specim ens of the blue fluted ware of last century, the so-called Muschel china, the blue pattern of which is an adaptation of a Japanese flower design. This pat­ tern has been greatly in dem and ever since the factory was started, and to this day when Danes talk of “Copenhagen china", they mean this Muschel ware (see the head-piece pg. 21). A no ther famous service dating from an early period of the china m anufacture is the "F lora danica", of which an old

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