

form. The late Mr. Jacobsen prov ided sufficient m oney for prelim inary expenses, and a Museum was founded (1885). The w ant of space makes it difficult to get a g o o d general impression of the "Danish Folkem useum ". The appearance of the "Interiors" has been som ew hat altered by o ther exhibits h av ing been added to their original contents; still they are all th ere much as they w ere in 1885 —room s from U rendo rf in Holstein, A alborg (2), Samsø, M id-Zealand, North-Z ealand, and Røsnæs in Scania. T he M useum from the b eg in n in g also con ­ tained exhibits illustrating the developm en t in culture of the o ther classes; and later it was fortunate enough to obtain the silver em blem s of almost all the old G uilds, fo rm ing the largest collection of w ro u g h t silver in Denmark, w ith the excep­ tion of that in R osenborg Castle. To this has been add ed the fine collection of ancient fem ale-ornam ents from Scania m ade by the late Mr. Thomsen, the famous antiquarian. It was originally intended that a section of the Museum shou ld be devoted to old, historically interesting houses. In 1895 it was decided to get hold of some of these rapidly d isapp e aring buildings. Perm ission was ob tained (August 1897) to set up two w ooden bu ild ing s on the d rill-g round in front of Rosenborg Castle, a room from H alland and a "loft- house" from Smaaland, near the bound ary of Blekingen. THE DANISH INDUSTRIAL ART MUSEUM AND DANISH ART INDUSTRY . In this M useum are exhibited specim ens of the art industries of D enm ark from the end of the 18th century up to the p re ­ sent time, and also specim ens of the art industy of various foreign countries at different dates. In the Danish section, the only one which we shall describe, the first th in g to be m entioned is a large and beautiful collec­ tion of vieux Danois from the china m anufactory which was founded in C openhagen by Frantz Heinrich Müller, in the year 1775, and a few years later becam e state property und er

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