

T h e H i s t o r i c a l S e c tio n o f th e D a n is h C o l l e c t i o n contains objects b elo n g in g to three periods — the early M iddle Ages, the later M iddle Ages, and the Renascence. They have been a r­ ranged acco rd ing to their character and , as far as possible, in chronological order. The early M iddle Ages, or Romanesque period, from abou t 1000 to 1250, are principally re p re ­ sented by ecclesiastical relics. Those from the earliest, w ooden, churches are few in num ber, bu t from the first granite churches, we have

pillars, bases, and other parts of the bu ild ing s, w ith ec­ clesiastical belong ing s such as an altar and baptism al fonts. The runic stones which are to be seen in the entrance hall date from the 9th to the 11th century. The altars from Ju t­ land ornam ented with representations of figures on gilt copper plates, the ecclesiastical ewers in the shape of arm ed horsem en o r of animals, the num erous censers, several of w hich are in­ scribed with runes, bear witness to a distinctly Scandinavian type of art; and crucifixes, candlesticks, book-covers, o rn a­ ments in enamelled or m oulded work (Queen D agm ar’s cross) and carved objects (G undh ild ’s cross), prove the g reat skill of the artists. Axes, swords, coats of mail, and dom estic utensils, the finds of S jorring and Lilleborg, throw a light on the se­ cular side of the life of those times. The later M iddle Ages, the Gothic period, 1250 to 1536, are also to a g reat extent illustrated by ecclesiastical objects. There are altar-pieces with carved o r painted figures, the latter dating from the end of the period. There is an altar from E lsinore w ith pictures of Christian II. and Q ueen Elizabeth, and a representation of Christ’s grave (Funen) and of St. G eo rg e ’s fight w ith the dragon. There are carved figures of saints, beauti­ fully w rough t gilt monstrances, church-vessels, baptism al fonts, censers, reliquaries, bishops’ copes, and church cupboards. The secular exhibits include collections of w eapons (amongst

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