

chairs stand three silver lions, rep re­ senting the Sound, the G reat Belt, and the Little Belt. At the opposite end of the hall is the royal silver-gilt baptismal font, which is still used. Two tow er- room s, ad jo in ing the K nights’ hall, con ­ tain fine collections of very rare old Ve­ netian glass and of C hinese, Japanese, Indian, D resden, F ren ch , Swedish, and Danish p o r­ celain. P. Brock.


THE NATIONAL MUSEUM . The National M useum is located in the P rince’s Palace, w hich was at times a Royal residence. D uring the first half of this century the old Royal Collections containing archaeological and ethnographical objects were organised by C .J. Thomsen and new collections w ere added. In 1892 the Danish Co l­ lection, the E thnographical Collection, and the Collection of Classical Antiquities w ere united into "The National Museum". The exhibits are p rov ided w ith labels giving all necessary information. — The Royal Collection of Coins is also to be found in the P rin ce’s Palace. T h e D a n is h C o l l e c t i o n illustrates D e n m a r k ’s p r e ­ h i s t o r i c tim e s a n d th e h i s t o r i c a l p e r i o d ending in 1660.

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