

eye were struck. These were w orn as ear-pendan ts by one of his daugh ters in m em ory of the battle. There are many objects which will have a special interest for English visitors to the castle. Am ong others may be m en ­ tioned : the insignia of the O rd e r of the G arter conferred on K ing F rederick II by Q ueen Elizabeth in the year 1582; a portrait of P rincess Anne of Denm ark, wife of K ing James I, presented to R osenborg by an English gentlem an; two busts in m arble of the nephew of Christian IV, K ing Charles 1 of England, and his consort, Queen H enrietta Maria, dated 1633 and 1640, perhaps by Bernini; some smaller p o r­ traits of K ing Charles I, Charles II, and James II of England, P rince G eo rge of Denmark, his consort, Queen Anne of E ng ­ land, and their son, Duke W illiam of G loucester; a medallion in marble, of English w orkm anship, rep resen ting P rince G eo rge in the robes of the O rd e r of the G arter; Christian VII’s d ip lo ­ mas as D. C. L. of the Universities of Oxford and C am bridge, the docum ents conferring on him the hono rary m em bership of the G o ldsm iths’ C om pany and the freedom of the City of L ondon , w ith the go ld caskets for the tw o la st-m en tion ed deeds (1768); Christian VIII’s diplom a as D. C. L. of the U n i­ versity of O xford (1822); and, finally, portraits of Prince A lbert Edw ard and Princess A lexandra of Wales. The Knights’ Hall is very im posing; its m agnificent arched stucco ceiling dates from the b eg inn ing of the 18th century; the twelve large pieces of tapestry on the walls, rep resen ting the m ost im portant events of the Scanian w ar (1675 —1679), were woven in the manufactory of the Dutchman, Bernt van d e r Eichen, in Denmark, tow ards the end of the 17th century. In front of the great fire-place at the no rthern end of the hall is a velvet canopy, underneath which are the coronation chairs of the king and queen; the k ing ’s is m ade of n a rw h a l-h o rn and ado rned w ith eight allegorical figures; the qu e en ’s is covered with solid silver and ado rned w ith two figures which rep resen t the Fear of G od and Charity. Before the coronation

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