


of time this family museum has grow n into an im portant and extensive historical collection, which is of peculiar interest from the circum stance that the objects are arranged in the room s in which their royal owners lived, and that various periods of art are represented in the decorations of the different room s. Thus the first apartm ents which the visitor enters on the g ro u n d -flo o r have been preserved in their original state from the time of Christian IV — the Renaissance period — while som e of the follow ing, decorated by his successors, are in the Rococo style. In passing th rough the castle we get a glim pse of the successive periods of culture of the last three centuries, and of the history of Denmark at those periods. The Danish national song, “King Christian stood by the lofty m a st“, which celebrates the naval battle of Fehm ern in the Baltic, July 1st, 1644, in which Christian IV was wounded, is illustrated in the m useum by such national relics as pieces of the suit which he wore on board the line-of-battle ship “The T rin ity “, when he was w ounded — still stained with his b lood — and two small go ld enamelled hands, one ho ld ing a piece of the Swedish iron cannon ball, and the other a piece of the Danish bronze cannon by which his forehead and

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