

of Christ is perhap s the worthiest and noblest represen tation ever p rodu ced of the g reat P rince of Peace, the risen and glorified Saviour. He is b e n d in g his head and stretching out his arm s as if to em brace all those that labou r and are heavy laden. His soul th rilling w ith the deep and holy harm ony of this altar statue, the spectator raises his eyes and discovers, in the dom e above the long rich frieze dep icting the road to G o lgo th a, Christ himself the central figure, no t sinking b e ­ neath the bu rden of the cross, bu t strong, and com forting the w e ep ing wom en. O n the floor of the choir, in front of the altar, kneels the beautiful Baptismal Angel, w ith a w reath of flowers rou n d her gentle, u p tu rn ed head, ho ld ing the bow l for the christening w ater in the form of a shell. F u rther proof of the elaborate care which the m aster b e ­ stowed on the decoration of this church is afforded by the two chapels, the Baptistery to the left, with a relief rep resen ting the baptism of Christ, and to the righ t the C omm un ion C h a­ pel, w here a co rrespond ing relief represen ts the Last Supper. Even the two poo r-boxes owe their ornam en tation to T h o r­ valdsen — reliefs rep resen ting Christian Charity and the G u a r­ dian Angel of Children. Sophus Michaelis. ROSENBORG CASTLE. R osenborg Castle, now situated almost in the centre of C op enh ag en , was founded by K ing C h r i s t ia n IV in the year 1610, outside the capital, which at that time was only a small town. After its com pletion in 1624 or 1625, the castle, which is built in the style of the Dutch Renaissance, served as a place of residence for the royal family until the b e g in ­ n in g of this century. As early as the m iddle of the 17th cen­ tu ry it was enclosed by the ram parts of C openhagen, now changed into boulevards. Since the tim e of K ing Frederick III (1648 —1670) is has been used as a store-house for objects of art, weapons, royal robes, and sim ilar treasures; and in the course

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