

w id er sense, of G erm anic art; and it consequently adds to the interest of the Danish section that it embraces also a small collection of English and G erm an sculpture. The Ny C arlsberg G lyptothek derives a certain im portance from the fact that it offers a b etter oppo rtun ity than any o ther existing m useum of directly com p aring o riginal works of scu lp ­ tu re by artists of different nationalities. But even above its g re at value for this pu rpo se m ust be placed its intrinsic value as a collection of excellent w orks illustrating the developm ent of art d u rin g the g rea te r part of the p resent century. The first room in the Danish section, the Bissen room , con ­ tains art which rests firm ly on sound traditions; am ong st the finest examples of Bissen's art are the beautiful and charac­ teristic bust of Anders Sandøe Ø rsted, the statue of the in d ig ­ nan t Achilles, and tw o female figures, a b a th ing girl and a flower g irl, distinguished by purity and refinem ent of con ­ ception. T here are m any o ther statues deserving mention, also busts, in a broad, masterly style, and several excellent reliefs. Passing from the Bissen room into the next, the Jeri- chau room , we at once feel that we have m oved a step further from the time of struggle. There is not the sam e strength of character in Jerichau ’s works, as in Bissen’s, b u t there is still m uch of the old spirit, coupled w ith a d istingu ish ing refine­ ment, which are particularly striking in the beautiful g ro u p of Adam and the new ly created Eve. And now we come to one of those stages of developm en t w hich may be called dramatic, because of the violence of the conflict between the old, which is passing away, and the new, which is taking its place. A new generation, eager to strike ou t new paths, begins to play the leading part —a generation which is not rich by inheritance, no r as yet ennobled by struggle. A characteristic representation of the art of this new generation is to be found in one of the ad jo in ing room s, in the works of Stephan Sinding. W hilst the men of the old school, in their works and ways, show ed that they bu ilt upon

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