

MUN IC IPAL INSTITUTIONS. The tourist w ho travels w ith the pu rpo se of studying art and kindred matters, or simply w ith the pu rpo se of am u sing himself, does not as a rule hear much abou t the municipal institutions of the tow ns he visits, although his daily w ell­ being to a g reat extent depend s on them . To a Dane it is a pleasure to enlarge upon this subject; for it is a generally acknow ledged fact that, with regard to municipal a rran g e ­ ments, C openhagen may be looked upon as a model town. Copenhagen is a. clean town. It is an ancient custom that every hou seho lder has to see to the street and pavem ent in front of his house b eing properly swept; several times a day the asphalt is brushed, and even a D utchm an w ould no d o ub t express his satisfaction w ith it. Q uite a reg im en t of able- bod ied paupers sally forth to sweep the streets and squares; they present a quain t appearance in their black clothes and w ooden shoes, each carrying his w eapons in the shape of a huge b room and an imm ense w atering -can , which he uses w ith astonishing dexterity. The Salvation A rmy recently established a shoe-black brigade, bu t it is said not to be thriving. A question of interest to people visiting a city for a few days is: Have the authorities p rovided convenient and sufficient m eans of locom o tion? To this question the citizen of C openhagen can give a most satisfactory answer. Any one w ho has travelled enough to be able to jud g e fairly, will adm it that the Copenhagen cabs com pare favourably w ith those of o ther cities. There are large, roomy, family cabs, m ore often used open than closed; there are neat victorias; and there are sm art brougham s which m ight be m istaken for private carriages if it w ere not for the city arm s on the coachm an ’s cockade. The tramw ay system is extensive and well m anaged; the cars are clean and com for­ table, and all strangers adm ire the fine horses. Electric tram s are now also com ing into use. The th ird means of conveyance

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