

of K ing G eo rge of Greece, part of which is the tow nhouse of P rince and Princess Charles of Denmark; the Frederick's, or, as it is usually called, the Marble C hurch; the Russian Church etc. A sho rt broad street connects B redgade with Amalien­ b o rg Square. Every day at twelve o ’clock, when the K ing is in residence at Am alienborg Palace, the band of the Royal Life G uard s plays in the Square. M embers of the Royal fa­ m ily may often be seen at the Palace w indow s, listening to the music; sometimes the gates open, and a Royal carriage, with its scarlet liveried servants, drives out into the town. A few m inutes’ walk from B redgade brings us to Langelinie. The view is incom parably beautiful. To the north are the w ooded slopes of North Seeland; to the south is the harbour, w ith its hund red s of crafts of all descriptions, from the largest steamers dow n to the tiniest pleasure boats. In the distance are the blue waters of the Sound, studded with white sails, and the Swedish coast is dim ly visible on the horizon. Johannes Hansen.

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