

The w iden ing of this narrow th rough fare has often been advocated, bu t as yet it has been allowed to rem ain in its old- fashioned state which is not devoid of a certain charm . Be­ tween F rederik sberggade and Ø stergade we pass a couple of picturesque squares and a fine old red church, the C hu rch of the Holy Spirit (Helligaandskirken). Ø stergade itself is the p rom en ad e p ro p er of fashionable C openhagen. It leads from Am agertorv to Kongens Nytorv. In it and the streets leading off it are the principal shops, which are quite w orthy of a large and flourishing city; am ong the most attractive to for­ eigners are undoub ted ly those displaying Danish china, which has of late years been universally acknow ledged to be as fine as any in the world. In Copenhagen Ø stergade goes by the nam e of "S trøget", and the „S trøgtid", or prom enade hou r from 2 to 4 already m entioned, is quite an ancient institution of the capital. D uring these hours Ø stergade presents a lively scene of smart, good - hum ou red street life, in which all kinds and conditions of men are represented. But the stranger ough t also to see "S trøget" on a summ er evening, when it presents a different, bu t no less interesting picture. The large stores and shops are closed, and ou t into the evening light tro o p a swarm of sm art little shop girls, seamstresses, and grisettes, while cab after c a b . drives past w ith gay y o u n g people on their way, after the w ork of the day, to spend a m erry evening at Tivoli or F rederiksberg. C rossing Kongens Nytorv, a large and handsom e square, w ith num erou s fine bu ildings (the Danish Royal Academy, form erly the palace of C harlo ttenbo rg ; the Royal State T h e ­ atre; the Hotel d ’Angleterre; the hand som e offices of the G reat N o rthern T elegraph C om pany; the new ly erected office of the S tandard Life Assurance Com pany; the m ansion of the Barons ReedtzThott) we proceed down Bredgade, the most fashionable place of residence in Copenhagen. H ere are many bu ildings w orthy of notice, am ong which may be m entioned the palace

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