

those main tho rough fares in which a tourist may best study the life of the city. A tw o ho u rs’ drive will give him an idea of them — a drive with constant change of su rround ing s and impressions. O ne g reat main artery stretches th rough the city from west to east, b eg inn ing at F rederiksberg. The F rederiksberg avenue was form erly the high road con ­ necting the village of F rederiksberg with the n eig h b o u rin g capital; bu t now that F rederiksberg really form s part of C o ­ penhagen, it is one of the chief town prom enades, and is u n ­ doub ted ly the finest avenue in the city. From the park su r­ ro u n d in g F rederiksberg Castle the "Allé" leads straight to the city. W alking on a sp ring day u n d e r these ancient lime trees in full bloom , one feels as if one w ere walking th rough a frag ­ rant conservatory. On a summ er Sunday the park and avenue of F rederiksberg are for the people of C openhagen, w hat the C ham ps Elysées and the Bois de Boulogne are for the P a ri­ sians, the Thiergarten for the people of Berlin, and the P rater for the Viennese. Every one that is interested in the great substratum of the population, and cares to see som eth ing b e ­ sides the gay and fashionable life of the boulevards, o u g h t to spend an h o u r w atching this scene — the inhabitants of the garrets and basements, and of the poor, narrow streets in the centre of the city taking their weekly airing. The scene changes as we app roach the city, constantly met o r passed by tram -cars. W e soon reach "V esterbro’s Passage", the busiest and most crowded street of the town. In the light of the electric lamps, m ade b righ te r by that which streams from the w indow s of hundreds of shops, carriages roll sm oothly over the asphalt and crowds of cyclists thread their way am ong cabs and carts. The bells of the tram -cars, all the m ingled noises of the crowded streets, the busy traffic in the shops - this is the stirring life of a g reat city. Passing th rough the crowd, we reach the b ro ad "Passage", the centre of the C openhagen of to-day, outside Tivoli. The traveller who arrives at the principal railway station on a

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