

of singular and characteristic beauty, the tw isted spire being m ost original and unique. Copenhagen has three suburbs, and is ex tending itself ra ­ pidly into the country. Beyond the bou levards and the green parks, which give light and air to the town proper, new roads lead east and north and west. Ø ste rb ro form s a continuation of fashionable Copenhagen, it is situated to the west of the Free P o rt and reaches almost to the woods. At a sho rt distance from the handsom e villas of "Rosenvænget" you feel that the air is getting fresher, and the Sound w ith the white sails and the sm oking funnels a p ­ pears on the right. The "S trandvej" leads in an almost straight line to the summ er-residences of the C openhagen citizens and the fishing villages along the coast of North Seeland. N ørrebro, again, with part of Vesterbro, is the hom e of the w ork ing classes. V esterbro is the centre of amusements. P as­ sing Tivoli and the su rro u n d in g cluster of places of public entertainm ent, the main tho rough fare leads to the fine old F rederik sberg Allé, at the end of which lies F rederiksberg, a m ost interesting old suburb, w orthy of a separate description. It has already been said that C openhagen possesses a strong old -w o rld interest. This is true; only it is by no means a stag­ nant, bu t on the contrary a most active and rapidly g row in g town. The bu ildings erected d u rin g the last few years are especially interesting. The new movem ent in architecture em a­ nating from England has influenced many countries, and am ong them is Denmark. There is, perhaps, no city where this Renaissance of the present age has set its stamp more strongly than in Copenhagen . Many of the new buildings are worthy of notice, bu t none more so than the Town Hall, d e ­ signed by M artin Nyrop, a splendid specimen of the influence of the new movement. The m ost em inent of Swedish arch i­ tects, a man who has himself erected buildings which will preserve his nam e for generations to come, has declared this Tow n Hall to be the finest bu ild ing of the last 500 years. Let

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